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Exposed Methods

interface GooglePlacesAutocompleteHandle {
getSessionToken: () => google.maps.places.AutocompleteSessionToken | undefined;
refreshSessionToken: () => void;


In order to access the exposed methods you need to create a ref to the component, like so:

import React, { useRef } from 'react';
import GooglePlacesAutocomplete, { GooglePlacesAutocompleteHandle } from '@dylmye/mui-google-places-autocomplete';

const Component = () => {
const autocompleteRef = useRef<GooglePlacesAutocompleteHandle>(null);
const refresh = () => {
// check the ref is set before calling anything on it!
if (autocompleteRef?.current) {

return (
<GooglePlacesAutocomplete ref={autocompleteRef} />
<button onClick={refresh}>
Refresh session token

export default Component;


This function retrieves the current sessionToken being used.


This function allows you to refresh the sessionToken.

Note: the component does not refresh the sessionToken, so you will need to handle that yourself.